Jacqueline Marie Bauer

Bucket List

- Graduate High School
- Go to College
- Visit Washington D.C.
- Get my Associate's Degree
- Write a song
- Learn to play guitar
- Dye my hair
- Watch the sunset over the ocean 
- Visit New York City
- See a Broadway play
- Go to a Broadway Play in New York 
- Learn to Long-board
- Try Sushi
- Learn to Surf
Sing at General Conference
- Get kissed under the mistletoe
- Audition for a Singing Competition/Show
- Sing in front of a crowd of more than 1000 people
- First Kiss
- Go to Disneyworld and Universal Studios Orlando
- Get kissed at midnight on New Year's Eve 
- Learn to play the Ukulele
- Go on a Mission
- Go through the Temple
- Fall in Love
- Marry my best friend
- Be married and sealed in the Temple
Do something for someone that they cannot do for themselves
- Make a difference in someone's life
- Go to a Coldplay concert
Go to the Jimmy Fallon Show
- Record a CD full of songs
Graduate with my Bachelor's Degree
Become a mom
- Go Skinny Dipping
- Vacation in Hawaii
- Raise a family
- Hail a Taxi Cab
- Go to the Ellen Show
- Visit Europe
- Crowd Surf
- Meet the Prophet
- Go to a Taylor Swift Concert
- Meet Taylor Swift
- Skydive
- Make a YouTube video and get over 100,000 hits

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