Jacqueline Marie Bauer

Friday, January 15, 2016


If there is one thing that i have learned in my 23 years on this earth, it's that things never seem to work out the way I want them to. God has always stepped in and immediately the road I am on takes a sharp turn. I was going to be a teacher, graduate from BYU-Idaho and I most definitely wasn't going on a mission.

If you would have asked me when I graduated High School what my life would be like in 6 years, I would have guessed nowhere near where I'm at right now.

But I thank God I am where I am.

I thank God for knowing that all those boys I had crushes on, were nowhere near as perfect for me as my husband is now. Even though I felt worthless when none of them payed any attention to me.

I thank God my dad had the crazy idea to apply for a job in Virginia and move my family across the country, so I could meet the most amazing sister missionaries who taught me that I actually did want to be a missionary.

I thank God I have a mom who found a random job on Craigslist for me at a Preschool for children with special needs, where I would fall in love with those kids.

I thank God that He knew exactly where i needed to be at this time in my life. And in all times of my life.

I'm thankful that I believe in a God who answers prayers, and who directs his children in all things if they ask.

If you would have asked me when I graduated high school if I thought I would be living in Provo as a BYU student, married to a boy I met on my mission, I probably would have raised an eyebrow and asked you where you came up with a crazy story like that.

I look at the little pieces that have made up who Jacqueline is, and there are quite a few. Sometimes they are pieces that come day by day. But I sure am thankful for every little piece, no matter how small or big it felt at the time.

When it feels like everything's falling apart and nothing seems to be going the way we want it to; remember that you can only see what's in front of you, but God can see the whole picture.

He know's what He's doing.

Trust Him.