Jacqueline Marie Bauer

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Movin' On Up!

This week was the first week of school! Woop! But not only that, we also moved on Thursday! You could say it was an eventful/stressful week. *Side note,  I do not suggest moving within the first week of school. Ever...* But we made it happen, thanks to wonderful ward members and great friends!

This semester is an exciting one for both me & Silas!

I started the Special Ed. program at BYU and finally have a graduation date! Mark December 2017 on your calendars! *Fist pump*

But on an more exciting note, Silas was admitted to the BYU Accounting School and started on Monday!!! For those of you who don't know, it's a pretty big deal. Ranked top 5 in the nation! I'm so proud of him! He had to wear a suit on the first day.

The first week was good, but definitely tiring. Not only did we have school and homework to acclimate to, but we made our big trek north (moving two blocks closer to campus) in the middle of the week.

It's been stressful and a LOT of work, but I think it will be worth it! We are now the proud owners of a washer and dryer and we also have a dishwasher and a disposal! Yippee!! Also, we are 10 min closer to BYU, so that's pretty cool too.

We have had some hiccups since we moved in, but ultimately it's been a fun adventure. It helps that I have the coolest adventure buddy around. :)