None of it matters.
(Okay, let me clarify. I am not saying that you should give up your vote and not care who becomes the president. Please go vote! It does make a difference.)
Moving on...
Come November 9, we will have a new president. I don't know who that president will be, it might be Donald Trump, it might be Hilary Clinton. Hey! It might even be a third party who wins it in the end. But ultimately whatever happens, It's going to be okay!
1. We live in a country with so many freedoms. How lucky that we get to even voice our opinion about who we want to lead our country at all. Some countries don't have that luxury.
2. God has a plan. Even when we don't understand why things happen the way that they do, God is divine and oversees everything. Things happen for divine purposes that we aren't always aware of.
3. We live in the latter days. We have a prophet on the earth who gives us counsel and revelation! No matter what happens in the world, we can always count on a living prophet to help us guide our families to do what is right.
“I recognize that, on occasion, some of our most fervent prayers may seem to go unanswered. We wonder, ‘Why?’ I know that feeling! I know the fears and tears of such moments. But I also know that our prayers are never ignored. Our faith is never unappreciated. I know that an all-wise Heavenly Father’s perspective is much broader than is ours. While we know of our mortal problems and pain, He knows of our immortal progress and potential. If we pray to know His will and submit ourselves to it with patience and courage, heavenly healing can take place in His own way and time.”
- Russell M. Nelson, (Jesus Christ—the Master Healer)
All hope is not lost and everything will be okay! I'm grateful for the guidance we receive and that God has not left us alone! This election day and on the days that you feel in despair because of the state of the world, just remember that God is with us and will not forsake us.
1 comment:
Amen. As a mother I find myself overwhelmed at times with the responsibility of raising my children in this world. Because, let's face it, there is so much evil. It's hard to pick out the good. In these two days since the election it's been even harder to pick out the good as I have watched people tear each other down over something as silly as conflicting political views and people rioting because they feel "sad" about the election results. Oh boohoo.
But there really is so much good, despite what it might seem and we just have to hold on to that and THAT is what we want our children to recognize.
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