What causes the light to fade?
What causes the soul to just blacken
like the night of a new moon?
The darkness becomes
so evident
and so clear in the eyes
and you can tell
that something is missing,
even in pictures.
That the light has gone.
Gone away
into some unexplained
But is it unexplained?
What happened to you?
I can feel your bitterness,
it seeps through your eyes.
It permeates your relationships
even your cyber ones.
Where did the little girl I played with go?
The girl who loved life
and God?
The girl who knew who she was?
What do we do when the light fades
in someone we once knew
and loved
And played with
and laughed with?
Do you still know
who you are?
What you are destined to
Do not forget
God is real,
God is all knowing,
God is all powerful,
God is all loving.
His work,
His Glory,
is to bring happiness
to His children.
You may not remember,
So I will remember for you
You are so loved.
You are so loved.
You are so loved.
No matter what.
No matter your bitterness,
No matter your anger.
No matter if you have turned your back on God
God will never turn his back on you.
Even if you may think
He has already done so.
The light has faded,
the darkness has simmered into your heart.
and with passion.
But the light,
will never leave completely.
Even if
it's a glimmer
of a small star
in a sea of blackened sky.
The light is never
truly distinguished.
we must remember.
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