I am terrible at writing down how I feel in the moment of things. There have been so many times throughout this pregnancy that I have thought to myself, "I really should write this down". Things like thoughts I might have about the future, or weird sensations that I am experiencing, or even just things I want to simply remember... So here I am trying to make up or lost time.
Here is my Journey thus far!
First Trimester-- Weeks 4- 12
We found out we were pregnant when I was about 4 weeks pregnant (Roughly around the 2nd week of November). It wasn't a surprise. I had been off of birth control for about 4 months and I had even bought an ovulation kit to help the process along. I don't even know why I decided to take a pregnancy test that morning, but I did. I remember thinking there was no way I was pregnant, and this is silly, and I don't know why I am doing this. But sure enough, two pink lines appeared and I couldn't even believe it. The second line was extremely faint... and left me questioning if it was actually a positive pregnancy test. So, I took another one the next day. There wasn't much change in the faintness... so of course I took another one the next day and the line was DARKER! Initially, after the first test I took, I didn't tell Silas because I was afraid I was just being paranoid, but I remember going throughout the day and thinking, I can't just keep this information in my head!!! I am going to explode! So, I called him at the end of my workday and said, "Umm.... I think there's a chance I might be pregnant. But I'm not totally sure because the line wasn't very dark, so I'm going to take another test tomorrow." He was a little taken off guard, because I just kind of word vomited on him. But was happy and not sure totally how to respond because of my unsurety.
Once I took the test on the third day, the line was visibly darker and that's when I conceited that I was actually pregnant. It was very surreal and I couldn't believe it!
Picture of the first pregnancy test. Do you SEE how faint the second line was???
The 3 days of pregnancy tests, ordering chronologically from top to bottom.
We told our immediate families when we were about 6 or 7 weeks along (around Thanksgiving time). They were pretty excited! Especially our siblings.
My experience in my first trimester was pretty mild compared to other pregnancies that I have heard of. I was nauseous pretty much all the time, but as long as I was doing something and keeping myself busy, I didn't notice as much. I threw up probably about once a week, which was actually pretty weird for me because I don't even throw up when I have the flu.
When I was about 12 weeks along, it was Christmas time. We spent Christmas in Disneyland! Which meant that I didn't really get to ride many of the rides... bummer. I mostly remember feeling
extremely bloated and my pants were starting to get a bit tight. This is the point that I started using the "hairband extendo-pants" trick (which was an actual lifesaver).
I also got the flu the week we came back from Disneyland. (I was 12 weeks along) That was the worst. Like I said, I don't normally throw up... but me and the toilet became
real close those 3 days. It was awful. I spent the entire 3 days in bed and really couldn't keep any food down. It was a great way to end my first trimester... *yuck*
10 weeks pregnant

Second Trimester-- Weeks 13- Present (week 26)
Again, I feel really lucky. I feel like I have had a relatively easy pregnancy compared to other women. I mean don't get me wrong, I have complained a lot... mostly because I just like to complain. *sorry, not sorry* (insert awkward smiley emoji here)
It's hard to believe how fast the second trimester has flown by! (for those who don't know pregnancy by weeks, the second trimester ends at 27 weeks, or about 6.5 months pregnant.) It felt like I blinked and here we are about to enter the third trimester.
At 19 weeks we went in for our ultrasound to find out what we were having. People would ask me if I wanted a boy or a girl, or if I felt like it was a boy or a girl. For a while I really, really thought it was a boy. Like, I was certain. But then as the ultrasound got closer, I questioned myself and felt like it was a girl.
I obviously would have been thrilled either way, but I think deep down, I was hoping for a girl because as soon as the ultrasound tech told us it was a girl I was ecstatic and just over the moon! Silas was also super excited! We found out on Valentine's Day, which was actually the best thing ever. We went to dinner afterwards and a really special moment I'll never forget was when we were eating dinner, Silas looked up at me and asked, "Do they still have like daddy daughter dances and stuff?" It melted my heart and made me love him more! (If that's even possible...)
I LOVE having this ultrasound picture. Like I love that you can see her little lips and her little nose! It's so cute! And I honestly swoon over it regularly.
Cutest ultrasound picture you ever did see! <3>
I have to be honest, taking belly pics is not my thing. I always forget and even if I do take them, I struggle to want to post them because I feel like I look the same. I'm just not that great at it! But here are some that I have taken so far.
Both above pics are at 15 weeks. Just a couple days apart.
21 weeks
I feel like other than the ultrasound, the second trimester as been pretty uneventful. I feel Baby Girl kicking quite a bit these days and she has gotten big enough that she has even started to kick my ribs... so that's fun. Also, my abs have started to separate which has been pretty uncomfortable. Sleeping is getting more difficult and sitting up is basically impossible to do on my own. Whenever I gripe or complain, Silas makes sure to remind me that "It's only gonna get worse!"
I have a few different pregnancy apps that I use to keep track of what is going on with my body and hers each week, and I'm always so excited to read about what's developing in her body and how she is growing, and what she is learning to do. In case you wondered, she can now hear sounds and she is able to open her eyes now. She also has hair and is just fattening herself up, getting ready to be born.
Speaking of getting ready to be born... I have recently made the utterly terrifying realization that I am actually going to have to give birth. Like, there is no turning back at this point. People keep telling me that once you hit the last few weeks of pregnancy, the idea of staying pregnant is more terrifying than the giving birth part, so fingers crossed that I feel that way when it comes time.
Even with all the crappy stuff that comes with pregnancy, (and I could literally make a long list) It's also pretty magical. There's something pretty special about growing a little person inside of me that makes my heart glow. The human body is amazing, God is amazing. And I'm so glad that I get to carry this little miracle inside of me. And while I don't look forward to the continued back aches, indigestion and heartburn, etc. I'm grateful for the chance to bond and get to know this little lady in a really special way.