Jacqueline Marie Bauer

Friday, February 3, 2017

My Fear of Rejection

Rejection is probably something that scares me the most. I have always been a people pleaser, ever since I can remember. I have memories when I was in Kindergarten of getting in trouble and having to sit in the corner during reading time. All I wanted was to not be in trouble. I just wanted my teacher to like me. 

Sometimes, I wish I wasn't though. I mean don't get me wrong, I love to make people laugh, and I love to feel important and special and loved... but it's my Kryptonite. I can't tell you how upset it makes me when someone is upset with me, or I am criticized in an unkind way. It's awful. I feel like I am the worst person in the world and all I can think is... "of course they hate (insert idea here), it's terrible for (insert whatever reason here).  On top of that, I often get angry and defensive, and I don't like that side of myself. 

Okay.. why I am telling you this. Sorry, I'll get to the point.

How do I overcome that side of myself? I'm probably going to have children who dislike something that i do and make sure that i know about it. When I am a teacher, I most definitely am going to have parents who disagree with decisions that I make and are openly vocal about it. 

So, how do I let things go? How do I love myself enough to ignore the opinions of others, and only be concerned of the opinion of God? How do I take the words and opinions that others offer me with grace and understanding, but love and respect myself enough to realize that is all they are, words and opinions.

I feel like it's a work in progress, I'm a work in progress. But any words of advice would be greatly appreciated and wonderfully received.

Thanks for listening... or rather, reading.